Dollar Binema – Episode 1 – Dragonslayer

Welcome to the first episode of Dollar Binema. In this Beyond Caring Media Network Miniseries, our two movie-nerd co-hosts will only review the finest of DVDs that one of them found at their local dollar store or thrift shop, letting you know if you should spend your hard earned dollar on films that are either diamonds in the rough, or spectacular splats of film that are only good for drinking games at parties. As the rules go, they’re only allowed to review movies they haven’t seen, so the contents of this show are going to be… eclectic to the say the least.

First on this list, is 1981’s Dragonslayer, starring Peter MacNicol, Caitlin Clarke, Ralph Richardson, and a large dragon puppet.

Podcast Intro —
Music from
“Sonata 17” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

Podcast Interlude —
Music from
“Narcissus” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
