Dollar Binema – Episode 5 – Fury Of The Wolfman

We have decided to bite the bullet and continue on with the other two movies on our 3 movie DVD. We are also trying something new by doing our review over a conference, due to COVID concerns, and will be continuing to do episodes in this manner for the foreseeable future.

The second movie on this disc, is the 1972 Spanish horror film “The Fury of the Wolfman”, or as we described it, “Someone thought that was a good idea”. Despite the movie being utter trash, it was just awful enough to be entertaining, and we were able to make a full length episode about it, in spite of a short sideline into currency conversion. We discovered that this movie had a very odd history, being delayed at first, then released with different edits in different countries. Most notably we found out that the Swedish version of this movie had numerous sex scenes added in, this is unfortunately not that version of the movie.

Drinking Game:

After much discussion we came up with the following to do for the drinking game.
– Drink whenever you think that the Swedes would have added a sex scene.
– Alternatively just drink whenever you have become confused about what is happening in the movie. (warning you will be drinking a lot)

This movie is also available in it’s entirety on YouTube, as nobody in their right mind would keep the copyright on this.

Podcast Intro —
Music from
“Sonata 17” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

Podcast Interlude —
Music from
“Narcissus” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

