Dollar Binema – Episode 10 – The Peacemaker

Well we made it; for our tenth episode we are watching the 1997 action movie “The Peacemaker,” which was picked by our colleges of Brad and Rick Also Have a Podcast. It was not easy to find the movie while also adhering to the strict rules we have established for Dollar Binema, but thanks to eBay, we managed to score this masterpiece within our budget. The movie details a plot to steal nuclear warheads from the unstable former Soviet Union and hide the theft under the guise of a train crash. But through the efforts of George Clooney and Nicole Kidman, the day is eventually saved. While nowhere near the best movie we have watched thus far, it was unexpectedly good for a movie picked by Rick.

The movie follows the plan of a rogue Russian general to steal numerous warheads, with the help of a Bosnian musician….to um…arm them? It vaguely makes sense when you watch it. It also depicts Bosnia in the most over the top eastern European squalor way possible, like Borat cranked to 11, making the scenes more accidentally humorous as opposed to the tragedy they were going for. Anyway, the protagonists stop the general, while George Clooney commits some war crimes along the way and the bomb then ends up in New York City, thanks to some comically bad decisions by law enforcement.

Despite being a 90’s action movie, we will give credit to it for being surprisingly realistic in many ways and mostly avoiding the magic action hero tropes. Even though the villain had won for all intents and purposes, the only way the heroes saved the day was because the villain wanted to make a point, and detonate the bomb at the United Nations. Overall the movie wasn’t bad, and if post Cold War action movies are your thing, this shouldn’t disappoint, but let’s get to the import part….

Drinking Games:

– Drink every time there is a ridiculous establishing shot of Bosnia
– Drink every time a nuclear bomb changes vehicles/mode of transport
– Drink every time a vehicle crashes into another vehicle
– Drink every time the camera focuses on shoes

Podcast Intro —
Music from
“Sonata 17” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

Podcast Interlude —
Music from
“Narcissus” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
