Doing It Wrong – Episode 9 – It Just Worked


Now that we’re done boring everyone with numbers, the testees detail what it was actually like living with a Windows phone. Emotions continue to run pretty high as the testees try to hide the pain by eating pickles loudly on the podcast. User experiences are all over the board; you couldn’t even get this kind of scatter on a graph if you took it to the skeet range, (although that’s to be expected considering the state of a dying OS.)

Brad develops stockholm syndrome for a timeclock app, Brinker forces his cohosts to be positive for a change, Tony takes the phone on the open road, and Doug’s wife thinks he’s dead.

Cruising for Goblins Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


Doing It Wrong – Episode 8 – Powerpoint Counts As Work


The gauntlet continues as the testees are shown the power of mobile PowerPoint, (but no one pays attention,) and the advanced tests push the testees to the limit. Identities are stolen, motor skills are impacted, the entirety of Ghostbusters is watched, and John completely violates the sanctity of the experiment.

Brinker forgets how to run a podcast, Brad cannot remember colors, Doug doesn’t understand the difference between written and actual history, Tony gets bitter because he had to plug in a dongle and press a button.

Cruising for Goblins Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


Doing It Wrong – Episode 7 – This Seems Vaguely Familiar


In honor of Microsoft’s most recent and best failure of an OS, the testees are launching deep into the bowels of the world of Windows 10 Mobile. Highly divisive at launch, even more so as time went on and MS changed its story on developer support, updates, and pretty much everything between its initial birth as Windows Phone 8. Since Support officially ends for it at the end of the year, now’s the time to get into the party before the lights are shut off and it becomes forgotten to everyone but mobile powerpoint enthusiasts and camera snobs.

Doug gets pissy about procedure, Brinker acts like he has any right to criticize other podcasters on procedure, Tony loses a SIM card, Brad doesn’t listen, and this show has a troubling amount of listeners.

Cruising for Goblins Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


Doing It Wrong – Episode 6 – Samsung Tizen – An OS For Giving Up


The testing continues as Tony brings his ass back to the table. Using Discord turns out to be the ultimate test of motor skills and patience. Doug almost destroyed a breakfast bar, Tony gets twist-tie paper stuck all over his head, and Brad stays creepily quiet while doodling lewd acts on a whiteboard.

Cruising for Goblins Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


Doing It Wrong – Episode 4 – Samsung Tizen – an OS for your phone


The Testees are back with a new theme song, (because we lost the other one,) to get the hype train a-rollin on what is surely going to be the hottest OS release of the decade. Before getting into the nitty gritty on actually using Samsung’s shiny new OS, we talk about what we want in a mobile operating system, what we think could be done better, and then we give our initial impressions on unboxing the phone we’ll be using for the future trials: the Samsung Z4!



Doing It Wrong – Episode 3 – It Just Fell In The Trash


Episode 3 – It Just Fell In The Trash
The testees move on to the real meat of the challenge: actually living with an iPhone for a week. Adam lays out the ground rules for data gathering, Doug continues to belch directly into the microphone, Tony gets got, and Brad probably talks with his girlfriend. Also stay tuned for a dramatic reading of Brad’s weeklong iPhone journal and a wrapup discussion of the whole experience along with the upcoming notch wars.


Doing It Wrong – Episode 2 – It Just Broke


This Episode picks up right after the crew finishes the Swappa tests and moves on to ones that Adam devised himself. Brad gets Brad about app drawers, Tony is unable to use the basic tools of verbal communication, Siri doesn’t do jokes, Doug tries to lead Brad astray, Adam will never be a Pokemon master, and no one really likes the hard touch. (This is the last episode in the arc that deals with raw stats.)


Doing It Wrong – Episode 1 – It Just Works


Welcome to the first episode of Doing It Wrong: a (drunken) round-table discussion on technology and how we use it; the hosts for this series are Adam, Tony, Brad, and Doug (the tall one.) In this run, Adam has forced his co-hosts to setup and use an iPhone as their regular phone for a whole week, but only after they perform the dreaded “Swappa Tests” to make sure that they didn’t receive a bum phone from some random schlomo on the Internet.  There’s a preamble on who the hosts are and why you should care, but after that, I hope you guys like raw statistics!
