The Joy of Dating – Episode 7 – Ladies Night Special: Part 3 – Advice for Daters – Know Thyself and Be in Good Working Order

In the final part of Ladies Night, we all wonder why Tony decides to share his BDSM checklist with the panel, and a few of the ladies get an unexpected education on the topic.  Brinker tries to bring things back around to the topic list for the podcast, and somewhat succeeds?  We discuss how to pick the right dating app for you – it all comes down to knowing what you want and matching to the service that does that.  And while we’re on the topic of knowing thyself, shouldn’t we all do that before seeking a partner?  That, and cultivate self respect, boundaries, and a thick skin.

Are paid dating services worth it?  How are speed dating and online dating different?  What are the downsides (for all genders) of the sausage fest that is the online hetero dating scene?  We discuss all these questions, plus Bunny coins the term “low and be-fucking-hold,” among other gems.

The panel acknowledges that Ladies Night focuses on the hetero dating experience, due to the majority of the participants’ experiences being in this realm.  We aren’t being exclusionary, just speaking to our experience.  The ladies share the challenges some experienced in trying to find female partners on dating services.

Mary compliments Brinker on his incredible online dating aptitude despite his inexperience and unfortunate reliance on Tony (aka Reddit-Man).  After hearing from the ladies, Brinker determines that he is never dating again, so fingers crossed that this Mary thing works out.

The ladies have aspirations to continue the conversation, but we all know how these things work out on the Beyond Caring network.  Stay tuned, is this the final series finale?

–Intro & Outro–

Music from

“Smooth Lovin” by Kevin MacLeod (

License: CC BY (


The Joy of Dating – Episode 6 – Ladies Night Special: Part 2 – Red Flags and Safety Issues

Ladies Night continues as the Beyond Caring ladies panel dives into online dating safety.  Brinker didn’t think anything about safety in his dating experience, because of course he didn’t, but we assure you the ladies all did.  Safety first, people.

When is it time to bring up your relationship goals when meeting a new person?  Everyone has some hot takes – is it before the first date, a few dates in? When does respecting everyone’s time by being on front street cross the border into coming on too strong?

We explore the ladies’ experiences further with a review of the dating services they have used, and take a quick detour to discuss when it’s appropriate to gift someone with an online dating subscription.  

Then it’s time to return to red flags.  Top hits include unnecessary vagueness, unwillingness to accept and adhere to your basic safety procedures, profile picture and username problems, and oversharing your kids.  Find out which of our panelists met her own father on an online dating service.

We transition to sharing one’s desires, especially kinks, and how things have gone wrong with the men in the ladies’ lives.  There’s a time for Tinder and a time for FetLife, and not everyone knows the difference.  Look for a deep dive on this topic in Part 3 after we all take a much needed break.

Note that Ladies Night focuses on the hetero dating experience, due to the majority of the participants’ experiences being in this realm.  We aren’t being exclusionary, just speaking to our experience.  

–Intro & Outro–

Music from

“Smooth Lovin” by Kevin MacLeod (

License: CC BY (


The Joy of Dating – Episode 5 – Ladies Night Special: Part 1 – Why we’re online dating and why it’s exhausting

Surprise!  The Joy of Dating returns!  No, Brinker didn’t return to the online scene.  Surprising our hosts, Brinker’s girlfriend, Mary, asked that he convene a panel of the ladies of Beyond Caring to give the female perspective on online dating.  Grab a free Cosmo and hang out with us – it’s Ladies Night on the Joy of Dating!

Shocking no one, a group of strong ladies with opinions and adult beverages led to a 4 hour online dating deep dive.  In part 1 of 3, the ladies dive in quickly, establishing a # of dick picks rating system for bad dating experiences.  Things get heavy with two object lessons in listening to red flags when two of our panelists share their stalker experiences.  We learn why many women are exhausted by men and therefore may not even be accessible via online dating.    

Brinker gets an education in the varied and terrible world of pick up lines, including such gems as “I see you’re a nerd, can I dock my Enterprise with you?”  We learn how online dating varies greatly by area (rural vs. suburban).  Finally, we ask the ladies why they got into online dating – social awkwardness, access, and convenience prevail.

Catch the ladies next time in Part 2 to learn their thoughts on dating safety, when to lay down relationship goals, red flags (prevent those stalkers from happening!), and what’s acceptable regarding the dating person’s kids – should they appear in an online dating profile?

Note that Ladies Night focuses on the hetero dating experience, due to the majority of the participants’ experiences being in this realm.  We aren’t being exclusionary, just speaking to our experience. 

–Intro & Outro–
Music from
“Smooth Lovin” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (


The Joy Of Dating – Episode 4 – Series Finale

In a surprise to everyone involved, the Joy of Dating will be closing its doors now that its purpose has been fulfilled in what might be the biggest flex that the Beyond Caring Media Network has ever made.

Brinker breaks the news that he has found someone and they’re surviving the global pandemic together; he also has many notes saved up from his time spending weeks going through Bumble profiles and has developed some strong opinions on the state of online dating; he also has found several interesting trends that are worth reviewing. Topic highlights include: “there’s a concerning amount of women that are trump voters and have bad trigger discipline” and “online dating is absolutely earning a profit off your desperation”

Tony takes a bit of a backseat throughout this one, but that doesn’t stop him from insisting that he has plans for a second series, plus he finally admits that Reddit is garbage.

–Intro & Outro–
Music from
“Smooth Lovin” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

The Joy Of Dating – Episode 3 – Audience Purge


Joy of Dating is back and it’s time to put a Brinker on the market! This episode was recorded the first week of March, so we won’t be touching on how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting social interactions or anything like that; it’s just two guys talking about the dating game and both of them should absolutely know better.

Brinker has done (some) of his homework and has some thoughts on Tony’s “must read” blog post from OKCupid; (it’s a real mixed bag.) Tony has a bullet-pointed commentary from the creation of Brinker’s first dating profile on Bumble and we almost drop into an episode of Doing It Wrong when the duo is presented with Bumble’s account creation interface. There’s a Reddit break, then Brinker goes over the kinds of profiles you see in the first day swiping around on a dating app outside of a major city.

–Intro & Outro–
Music from
“Smooth Lovin” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (


The Joy Of Dating – Episode 2 – Scrolling Down and Getting Worse


The feedback on episode one was interesting and ranged from “kick your cohost” to “drop your cohost like a bad habit” so we’re going to take that under consideration and move forward accordingly like all advice one gets from the Internet.

This Episode:
Recorded directly after our first episode, Tony continues to “advise” Brinker on the obvious schemes of Internet dating communities (with a disturbing focus on Reddit, which explains a lot,) and decides to focus on just the worst aspects of everything as opposed to giving any positive direction. Brinker goes on the record as saying he has no idea what he’s even looking for, and really doesn’t understand why Tony keeps going on about Reddit. Tony has an idea for a recurring segment and explains why Brinker might be in a good starting position for this.
–Intro & Outro–
Music from
“Smooth Lovin” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (


The Joy of Dating – Episode 1 – Setting Expectations


Episode Description:

In this special Beyond Caring Media Network presentation, our hosts decide to explore the world of modern dating. Join us as we periodically check in on what’s it’s like for Brinker to be on the dating scene, being directed with sage-like advice from the always-tactful “Just Tony.”

This Episode:
A name is decided upon, Brinker tries to justify why this is necessary, Tony stumbles on a million dollar idea, discussions are had on meeting places and why choice is important, the value of basic human decency, the traps of asynchronous communication, the value of being yourself, and knowing when to walk away.


–Intro & Outro–

Music from

“Smooth Lovin” by Kevin MacLeod (

License: CC BY (

